Zbog predstojećih praznika neradni dani cvećare su nedelja 16.02. i ponedeljak 17.02.

Ordering and payment

How to order a gift basket?


You can order gift delivery via this website. If you want to send gift, choose one of our gift baskets on the website by clicking on it, then click "Order" and continue to complete the ordering process. Fill in your personal informations, the informations of the recipient, the delivery time, and the message so that we can organize the delivery of the gift.

If you want to receive a PDF invoice, please text to us at podrska@pravipoklon.com


You can also order gift by email. All your requests send to the e-mail: podrska@pravipoklon.com, and our team will agree on all further details with you.

Method of payment

From abroad

From the state:

We accept cards: VisaEuroCardMasterCardAmerican ExpressDinersClub and many others. 

For security reasons, your payment card information is only visible to the bank as a processor card. The payment card platform is secured by the latest standard protections that include SSL encryption and 3D Secure as protocols approved and supported by all leading payment card providers.

Delivery date

You can choose when you want us to deliver gift basket.

We can deliver gift basket within a few hours from the moment of the payment.

During the ordering process you can to emphasize when you want the gift basket to be delivered, and we will do our best to deliver when it suits you and the recipient.